Joey Huang


Resume | LinkedIn | GitHub

I am currently pursuing a MSc. degree in Aerospace Engineering in the department of Control & Simulation at Delft University of Technology.

At this very moment, I have started my MSc. graduate thesis at the MAVLab research center where I focus on intelligent multi-modal locomotion of UAVs. For this specific reason, I have created this minimalistic porfolio / blog where I will (try) to actively keep up a journal of my progression and academic findings.

Also, I will use this portfolio to write any journeys and github repos of my futures endeavours in the exciting field of UAVs, Control Theory and many more!

Portfolio | Blogs

Natural Language Processing

CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

My complete implementation of assignments and projects in CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning by Stanford (Winter, 2019).

View on GitHub

Neural Machine Translation: An NMT system which translates texts from Spanish to English using a Bidirectional LSTM encoder for the source sentence and a Unidirectional LSTM Decoder with multiplicative attention for the target sentence (GitHub).

Dependency Parsing: A Neural Transition-Based Dependency Parsing system with one-layer MLP (GitHub).

Detect Spam Messages: TF-IDF and Naive Bayes Classifier

Open Notebook View on GitHub

In order to predict whether a message is spam, first I vectorized text messages into a format that machine learning algorithms can understand using Bag-of-Word and TF-IDF. Then I trained a machine learning model to learn to discriminate between normal and spam messages. Finally, with the trained model, I classified unlabel messages into normal or spam.

Data Science

Credit Risk Prediction Web App

Open Web App Open Notebook View on GitHub

After my team preprocessed a dataset of 10K credit applications and built machine learning models to predict credit default risk, I built an interactive user interface with Streamlit and hosted the web app on Heroku server.

Kaggle Competition: Predict Ames House Price using Lasso, Ridge, XGBoost and LightGBM

Open Notebook View on GitHub

I performed comprehensive EDA to understand important variables, handled missing values, outliers, performed feature engineering, and ensembled machine learning models to predict house prices. My best model had Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 12293.919, ranking 95/15502, approximately top 0.6% in the Kaggle leaderboard.

Predict Breast Cancer with RF, PCA and SVM using Python

Open Notebook View on GitHub

In this project I am going to perform comprehensive EDA on the breast cancer dataset, then transform the data using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and use Support Vector Machine (SVM) model to predict whether a patient has breast cancer.

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